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Pedro Veniss wins in fine style, but Lisa Cubitt steals the day!

The Brazilian rider repeated his triumph this first day of the CSI4* Big Tour but the star of the day, without a doubt, was the rider Lisa Cubitt from New Zealand.

The Brazilian rider repeated his triumph this first day of the CSI4* Big Tour but the star of the day, without a doubt, was the rider Lisa Cubitt from New Zealand.


So, who is Lisa Cubitt?  This 33 yr old Kiwi, has been based in the UK for some time now and she trains with her husband Sean at their base, “Home Farm”.  The pair manage the stables, owned by Spencer Golding, and they have great belief in Lisa’s abilities and future successes. 

The Sunshine Tour is proving to be a pivotal event for Lisa in her career which is clear if you look at her track record here. Every week she has qualified either in one of the big events; or in several in the same day. Today was no exception in the Big Tour D qualifier today.

Just a few months ago, in November, they expanded their stables with the purchase of the stallion“Warriors Glory”, who was previously ridden  by the well know British rider Max Routledge.  This is the horse that Lisa rode in to second place today in the 1.50m speed class.  She couldn’t quite catch the extremely fast round from “Anaya Ste Hermelle” ridden by Pedro Veniss and his time was over a second faster.

Lisa was also on the podium in the 1.40m Big Tour B, taking second place behind two of the best riders in the word, the American, Laura Kraut on “Greatfull” and the Belgian rider, Jéròme Guery on “Kigali VD Bisschop”.

In the 1.35m riding “Encore”, Lisa was unbeatable and won by just under a second from the very competitive rider Jake Saywell, on “Touch of Chili”.  The Italian rider Anddre Sakakini took third place.

The Young Horse classes came to a close today after another intense week of jumping where they were able to show their abilities and very positive progression in the grass arenas in the perfect weather here at the XXV Sunshine Tour.Escribe aquí tu cuerpo para la noticia












28/02/2019   by Sunshinetour News , Press releases , Sunshine Tour , Horses , Dehesa Montenmedio

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